[ 파워빌더.엑셀 - Export 2 ]





어느사이트인지는 모르겠는데.. 암튼   zingga1@netian.com 이분이 올려주신 내용이었습니다.

이분의 노고에 정말  감사드립니다.


* Global Externa Function 선언

FUNCTION UInt FindWindowA( Ulong className, string winName )  LIBRARY "user32.dll"
FUNCTION UInt SetFocus( int winHand )  LIBRARY "user32.dll"
FUNCTION boolean DeleteFileA(ref string filename) LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll"
//변수 선언
int object_count, object_index, object_max
string objects, object_name, object_list[], object_select, object_band, object_type
string detail_object_spec, detail_objects[], detail_object_labels, s_header, header_text[]
string s_trailer1, s_trailer1_object[], s_footer, s_footer_object[], s_footer_data
boolean object_visible, b_detail = false, b_trailer1= false, b_summury = false, b_footer = false
int i_trailer1_count = 0, i_detail_count = 0, i_footer_count = 0

//데이터윈도우의 모든 오브젝트를 읽어온다.
objects = dw_1.describe("Datawindow.Objects" )

int i_pos, i, i_target, j, i_target_row, i_row = 1

object_max = 1
i_pos = 1

//오브젝트들을 탭을 구분으로 하나씩 분리해 저장한다.
do while(true)
  i_target = pos(objects, '~t', i_pos)
if i_target = 0 then
 object_list[object_max] = mid(objects, i_pos, len(objects))
end if
  object_list[object_max] = mid(objects, i_pos, i_target - i_pos)
i_pos = i_target + 1

//각 오브젝트들이 속해 있는 밴드와 타입, visible여부를 알아내어서
//오브젝트의 갯수와 각 변수들에 저장을 한다.
for object_index = 1 to object_max
object_name = trim(object_list[object_index])
object_band = upper(dw_1.describe( object_name + ".band" ))
object_type = upper(dw_1.describe( object_name + ".type" ))
object_visible = dw_1.describe( object_name + ".visible" ) = "1"
  if object_visible then //보이는 오브젝트만 처리
 choose case object_band
  case "TRAILER.1" //그룹밴드
   b_trailer1 = true
   if (object_type = "COLUMN" or object_type = "COMPUTE" or object_type = "TEXT") then
              s_trailer1_object[i_trailer1_count] = object_name
   end if
  case "DETAIL" //Detail 밴드
           if (object_type = "COLUMN" or object_type = "COMPUTE") then
              object_select = object_select + "/" + object_name
         end if
  case "FOOTER" //Footer 밴드
   b_footer = true
   if (object_type = "COLUMN" or object_type = "COMPUTE" or object_type = "TEXT") then
              s_footer_object[i_footer_count] = object_name
   end if
   end choose
  end if

i_target = 0 ; i_pos = 1 ; object_max = 1

//컬럼의 순서를 알아내기 위한 작업을 한다.
object_select = '1/1' + object_select
dw_1.modify("datawindow.selected= '" + object_select + "'")

object_select = dw_1.describe("datawindow.selected")

detail_object_spec = right(object_select, len(object_select) - 4)

detail_object_spec = detail_object_spec + '/'
dw_1.modify(" datawindow.selected=''")

i_pos = 1
object_max = 1

//각 컬럼의 이름을 배치된 순서대로 다시 저장한다.
do while(true)
  i_target = pos(detail_object_spec, '/', i_pos)
if i_target = 0 then
 detail_objects[object_max] = mid(detail_object_spec,i_pos, len(detail_object_spec))
end if
  detail_objects[object_max] = mid(detail_object_spec,i_pos, i_target - i_pos)
i_pos = i_target + 1

//헤드에 있는 텍스트들의 text값을 저장한다.
for object_index = 1 to object_max
object_name = detail_objects[object_index]
if detail_object_labels <> '' then detail_object_labels = detail_object_labels + '~t'
 if dw_1.describe( object_name + "_t.visible" ) <> '!' then
  detail_object_labels = detail_object_labels + dw_1.describe(object_name + "_t.text")
    detail_object_labels = detail_object_labels + "?"
 end if
//요기까지 detail 밴드의 화면상에 보이는 컬럼들만 detail_objects에 담는다.

detail_object_labels = detail_object_labels + "~r~n"

//엑셀과 연결 시작
oleobject export_object
uint excel_handle, excel_state
string excel_title

export_object = create oleobject


excel_title = export_object.Application.Caption

export_object.Application.Visible = True
excel_handle = FindWindowA( 0, excel_title )
SetFocus( excel_handle )

long row_count, start_row
string data_buffer, s_select, filename, s_syn, s_trailer1_data
int file_num, ii

filename = "c:\export.txt"
start_row = 1

row_count = dw_1.rowcount()
if row_count = 0 then Return

if fileexists(filename) then
end if

file_num = fileopen(filename, streammode!, write!, lockreadwrite!, append!)

//각 로우별로 데이터를 읽어서 파일에 기록한다.
for start_row = 1 to row_count
  s_select = string(start_row) + "/" + string(start_row) + "/" +detail_object_spec
 dw_1.modify(" Datawindow.selected = '" + s_select + "'")
   data_buffer = dw_1.describe("datawindow.selected.data") + "~r~n"
 if start_row = 1 then data_buffer = detail_object_labels + data_buffer
   if b_trailer1 then //그룹이 존재한다면
  i_target_row = dw_1.FindGroupChange(start_row, 1) - 1
    if i_target_row = start_row then
   for i = 1 to i_trailer1_count
     if upper(dw_1.describe( s_trailer1_object[i] + ".type" )) = "COMPUTE" then
      s_syn = dw_1.describe(s_trailer1_object[i] + ".expression")
              s_syn = dw_1.Describe("Evaluate('" + s_syn + "',"  + string(start_row) + ")")
              if i = 1 then
      for ii = 1 to i_detail_count - i_trailer1_count - 1
       s_trailer1_data = s_trailer1_data + '~t'
      end if
      s_trailer1_data = s_trailer1_data + '~t' + s_syn 
      elseif upper(dw_1.describe( s_trailer1_object[i] + ".type" )) = "COLUMN" then
      s_syn = dw_1.Describe("Evaluate('LookUpDisplay(" + s_trailer1_object[i] + ") '," + &
                          string(start_row) + ")")
              if i = 1 then
       for ii = 1 to i_detail_count - i_trailer1_count - 1
        s_trailer1_data = s_trailer1_data + '~t'
      end if
      s_trailer1_data = s_trailer1_data + '~t' + s_syn          
      elseif upper(dw_1.describe( s_trailer1_object[i] + ".type" )) = "TEXT" then
      s_syn = dw_1.Describe(s_trailer1_object[i] + ".text")
              if i = 1 then
       for ii = 1 to i_detail_count - i_trailer1_count - 1
        s_trailer1_data = s_trailer1_data + '~t'
      end if
      s_trailer1_data = s_trailer1_data + '~t' + s_syn                 
      end if
   data_buffer = data_buffer + "~r~n" + s_trailer1_data + "~r~n"
   end if
end if
filewrite(file_num, data_buffer)
s_trailer1_data = ''

//Footer 밴드를 마지막으로 파일에 덧붙힌다.
if b_footer then
  for i = 1 to i_footer_count
    if upper(dw_1.describe( s_footer_object[i] + ".type" )) = "COMPUTE" then
     s_syn = dw_1.describe(s_footer_object[i] + ".expression")
       s_syn = dw_1.Describe("Evaluate('" + s_syn + "',"  + string(row_count) + ")")
         if i = 1 then
    for ii = 1 to i_detail_count - i_footer_count - 1
      s_footer_data = s_footer_data + '~t'
     end if
   s_footer_data = s_footer_data + '~t' + s_syn 
    elseif upper(dw_1.describe( s_footer_object[i] + ".type" )) = "COLUMN" then
   s_syn = dw_1.Describe("Evaluate('LookUpDisplay(" + s_footer_object[i] + ") '," + &
                         string(row_count) + ")")
         if i = 1 then
    for ii = 1 to i_detail_count - i_footer_count - 1
      s_footer_data = s_footer_data + '~t'
     end if         
     s_footer_data = s_footer_data + '~t' + s_syn          
    elseif upper(dw_1.describe( s_footer_object[i] + ".type" )) = "TEXT" then
   s_syn = dw_1.Describe(s_footer_object[i] + ".text")
         if i = 1 then
    for ii = 1 to i_detail_count - i_footer_count - 1
      s_footer_data = s_footer_data + '~t'
     end if   
       s_footer_data = s_footer_data + '~t' + s_syn                 
    end if
data_buffer = "~r~n" + s_footer_data
filewrite(file_num, data_buffer)
end if


export_object.statusbar = "Importing data...."
export_object.windows("export.txt").caption = "Export Workbook"

//엑셀파일의 포맷을 실시한다.

//자동 칸맞춤을 적용한다.

//헤드 줄은 bold로 지정한다.
export_object.selection.font.bold = true
export_object.selection.font.italic = false

export_object.statusbar = " Formatting labels....."
//셀들의 줄맞춤을 실시한다.
export_object.selection.wraptext  = true
export_object.selection.horizontalalignment = true
export_object.selection.verticalalignment = true

//미리보기에서 헤드셀들은 반복되어 나타나게 한다.
export_object.Activesheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1"

export_object.DisConnectObject() //연결종료
Destroy export_object //오브젝트 제거 


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